ErgoDex has rebranded to Spectrum Labs !
“Over time we realized that the ambitions of our team went beyond just a DEX, so we decided to transform our project into something more. We called it Spectrum.”
Spectrum.DEX is a non-custodial decentralized exchange that allows a quick, effortless, and secure transfer of liquidity inside and between the Ergo and Cardano networks. The eUTXO model gives the unique possibility to have shared liquidity among different networks. Spectrum.DEX will eventually feature a full AMM, Order Book and more.
Spectrum.DEX is an open-source DeFi product which take a part in both Ergo and Cardano platforms and as a consequence exists for purposes of both communities. You can imagine Spectrum.DEX infrastructure like the following:
Spectrum Labs: the team of developers who are developing and maintaining Spectrum.DEX protocol, user interface and other products;
The Spectrum.DEX Protocol: a set of smart contracts that create an automated market maker and order book;
Spectrum.DEX User Interface (UI): a web (or mobile) interface which provides access in conjunction with the protocol;
Spectrum.DEX Execution Botsxxxxxxx: off-chain software whose function is to execute DEX orders and works in a completely decentralized manner.
Defining cohorts of @spectrumlabs_ (ex. ErgoDEX) users for airdrop rewarding. The snapshot will be taken according to the following rules (read the whole thread 🧵):
P.S. Any feedback is appreciated
P.S.S. These are preliminary cohorts. May change based on feedback.
Beta-testers: all addresses that took a part (made at least 1 operation) in the protocol from 11 Aug 2021 00:00:00 UTC to 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 UTC
Early off-chain operators: all addresses that gained rewards as an off-chain operator from any operation in the protocol from 11 Aug 2021 00:00:00 UTC to 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 UTC
Traders: all addresses that made at least 5 swaps in the protocol from 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 UTC to the TGE date
Off-chain operators: all addresses that gained rewards as an off-chain operator from any operation in the protocol from 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 UTC to the TGE date. The rewarding formula will account an amount of successfully matched orders.
Original source Tweet for verification and to join discussion on upcoming Spectrum token airdrop.
All the info below was written prior to the Spectrum rebrand. Complete SpectrumLabs page coming soon…
Ergo has built-in atomic exchange for its custom, first-class citizen tokens built into its core. ErgoDex is a Uniswap-like AMM-based Decentralised Exchange (DEX) which allows for direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions, reducing the need for centralised exchanges.
In ErgoSwap anyone can discover the match for orders and then submit the swap transaction, while getting incentives (including offchain services). Demonstrating concepts of earning without mining rig with Ergo dApps while supporting decentralization and privacy.
Exchanging without trusted parties is a one of the most basic primitive for decentralized finance. As such, basic single-chain swap contracts were introduced early in the ErgoScript whitepaper. Then a lot of other order contracts appeared: with partial filling, buyback guarantee and so forth. Such contracts are usually composable,
While swap order contracts allows for orderbook-based decentralized exchanges (DEXes), now popular AMM-based DEXes (Automated Market Maker) are also possible on Ergo.
Interestingly, unlike other known blockchains, thanks to the extended UTXO model, liquidity pool contracts for AMM-based DEXes can be combined with order contracts (for orderbook-based DEXes). This gives unique possibility to have shared liquidity among different types of exchanges on top of the Ergo blockchain.
This PR provides known DEX contracts for both orderbook-based and AMM-based DEXes, and also provides info on their composability.
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